Welcome to the Køge Youth Bowling Federations website.
Latest news and updates
Only the best prizes are good enough for us!
For this years Køge Youth Masters we are happy to announce that Agerbo’s Proshop once again are sponsoring bowling balls for the winner and runner up in each category! Thank you Jesper for this opportunity.
Besides that JH Gulvservice once again also is sponsoring 1.000 DKK for the highest game in each category. So even though you might not get a satisfying qualifying score, you are still able to win 1.000 DKK! Thank you Jannik for this opportunity.
The oil pattern for Køge Youth Masters is finally here!
The oil pattern is officially released and we are really looking forward to seeing how the young bowlers bowl in Køge in a few weeks. You can find the oil pattern right here.
Registrations opens soon!
Registration for players outside of Denmark will open on Tuesday November 21st at 19:00 (local time).
It will be possible for international players to book the needed squads for two weeks exclusively (notice that there will only be 12 spots available in the squads on Friday March 1st and Saturday March 2nd 2024). Maximum of two squads can be booked.
On Tuesday December 5th 2023 at 19:00 the registration will open for Danish players. (Notice also here will only 12 spots be available for the squads on Friday March 1st and Saturday March 2nd).
Best possible we will try to accommodate players with long travelling time. On January 3rd 2024 at 19:00 registration will be open to all players national and international for the third squad.
We’re excited to get the tournament going and can’t wait to see you all in Køge!
Tilmeldingen åbner meget snart!
Tilmeldingen for udlændinge åbner tirsdag d. 21. november kl. 19:00.
Internationale spillere har to uger til at booke to starter (bemærk at der kun vil være 12 pladser ledige i hver start fredag d. 1. marts og lørdag d. 2. marts 2024).
Tirsdag d. 5. december 2023 kl. 19:00 åbner tilmeldingen for danske spillere (bemærk at der også her kun vil være 12 pladser ledige i hver start fredag d. 1. marts og lørdag d. 2. marts).
Der vil bedst muligt blive taget hensyn til spillere med lang rejsetid.
D. 3. januar 2024 kl. 19:00 åbner tilmeldingen endnu engang for alle spillere (nationalt og internationalt), denne gang for en tredje start.
Vi glæder os til at komme igang med stævnet og håber på at se så mange af jer som muligt i Køge!